venerdì 11 ottobre 2024


 The New Arpoloop Synth

 more info here

giovedì 24 settembre 2020

giovedì 7 marzo 2019

Euro Rack Drum Modules and Trig Sequencer

Percussion modules based on LepLoop V2 Cassa design.
  • Cassa: Same as LepLoop v2 Cassa, hard\soft BD generator can go full resonance.
  • Cassa CV: Add cv control over frequency and resonance with cv amount.
  • Bongo: Same as Cassa one octave higher pitch range, Tom and Bongo like sounds.
  • Bongo CV: Add  cv control over frequency and resonance with cv amount.
  • Legno: Very high pitch Cassa for rim shot, wood blocks, fingers snap like sounds. This channel can produce some scratch noise when you move the frequency pot, especially if you keep the resonance pot. to 0, this is normal.
  • Legno CV: Add  cv control over frequency and resonance with cv amount.
  • Piattino: Hi-hat module based around Cassa design with white noise and tow release envelope.
  • Rullo: Snare drum Module, our version with trig mix and cutoff on noise.
All percussion module are 3U, 4HP or 6HP the CV version, and have tow trig input and a trig mix pot. accepting different signal :

Trig: short trig, less than 10ms will play one time, longer trig will play tow times.
Cv: you can use different cv signal like envelope, lfo for trig the modules.
Audio: cassa design is based around a stepped resonant filter, you can route audio signal to a trig input for filter and distortion effect.

TRIG MIX : The rhythm played by the Cassa is the sum of the tow trig IN1 and IN2.
The trig mix pot. adjust the mix between the tow trig input, great  for create poly rhythms.

If only IN1 or IN2 are plug the trig mix pot. adjust the level of the trig in signal.

FREQUENCY: Adjusts the pitch of the sound of Cassa, also affects the resonance.
Frequency and resonance are related.

RESONANCE: Adjusts the resonance, ie the damping time of the Cassa. 
Beyond a certain level the Cassa go into permanent oscillation, the level at which the oscillation begins varies with frequency.
If you keep resonance pot. to 0 moving the freq. pot can cause some scratch noise, this is normal.

DISTORTION: Adjusts the level of Cassa signal distortion.

FREQUENCY & RESONANCE CV IN: These are cv input to control the frequency and resonance of the module with cv, a cv in amount is available.
The cv control is made with a vactrol connected in parallel with the frequency and resonance potentiometer, this way you can set the range of modulation.

New Module Rullo (snare drum)

Trig Mix : mix between trig in 1 and trig in 2 
Decay : regulate the decay of noise signal
Freq: Regulate the frequency of tom sound
Cutoff : rugulate the cutoff frequency of noise signal

Multi Ritmi
Multi Ritmi is the Multicassa analog clock divider sequencer, 3U 10 HP.
It's outputs four, +5v 10ms trig signals and Tree trig mix signals, it has an internal tempo generator with clock in\out and a reset button.
Apart from Multicassa It adds a chaos switch for change the groove adding more chaos\instability to analog clock dividers.
With Multi Ritmi you can now compose your favorite modular Multicassa, choosing from different percussion modules.


Clock DIVIDER 1\2\3\4 : 
These pots set the clock divisor number, if the potentiometer all the way left, to each pulse of the Tempo white LED will have divisor x 1, slowly moving forward we will have dividers more high 2\3\4... the max divider is about 64 (potentiometer fully right).
Trig Out 1\2\3\4 :
Trig outputs a trig signal, +5v, 10ms.
Trig Mix Out 1\2\3 
It output a trig mix signal, out1 mix1\2, out2 mix 2\3, out3 mix 3\4
Tempo pot. :
The tempo pot adjusts the speed of the internal clock generator, and then all the rhythms. 
All on the left, minimum speed, maximum speed all right. 
When you set the switch to external clock, the tempo pot. acts as a divider (clock prescaler) to the incoming clock at clock in jack.
Same way of the clock divider, in this case we will have the maximum speed with the potentiometer all at the left, dividing x1.
Clock out :
It outputs a +5v clock pulse signal according to tempo pot. and white led. 
Chaos switch:
When on chaos mode a certain instability is added to the dividers resulting in different groove, when off no effect.
Reset button:
This button reset all the dividers and the internal clock generator.
Power connector:
Multi Ritmi accept modular power +12v

Design: Tonylight & Peppo Lasagna
Grafic : Rugge

giovedì 29 novembre 2018


The Multicassa is a full analog electronic instrument composed of tree Cassa (bass drum) generators controlled by an analog Trautonium like rhythms generator, without a microprocessor, available in desktop and euro rack format.
The term Trautonico is inspired by a vintage instrument, the Mixturtrautonium, invented by Oskar Sala musician, a student of Hindemith, which elaborate it, since the 30s on the basis of another instrument more simple, the Heimtrautonium, manufactured by Telefunken in the '20s, one of the first electronic instruments for the living room.

Early versions of Mixturtrautonium use as frequency dividers the Thyratron(a type of gas valve that could be used to build oscillators and frequency dividers), these dividers acting on the notes producing subharmonic that could be mixed (hence MIXTUR) for produce complex sounds, the same principle is used here with two differences:
- The valves are replaced by solid-state trigger circuits.
- Dividers act not to the notes but on the rhythms, by dividing a basic rhythm (clock) for a variable number (with the command Clock Divider) rhythms are then mixed 2 by 2 (Trig Mix) generating a complex poly rhythms.
- An output mixer allows you to adjust the volume of each speaker.

Each Cassa has a pitch, resonance and distortion control, the tree Cassa generators have different pitch range:
1_Low(Cassa), 2_Medium(Bongo\Tom), 3_High(rim shot\wood block).
The high channel can produce some scratch noise when you move the frequency pot, because the circuit design and the very high pitch, this is normal.
The clock can be generated internally or applied externally through jack on the left side of the unit.
The Multicassa accepts any type of clock pulse or square wave of 3-12 volts amplitude, with any polarity including the Midi clock, as long as the midi line is present only midi clock and no other messages (notes, control changes, sysex, etc.) .

FREQUENCY: Adjusts the pitch of the sound of the case, also affects the resonance.

RESONANCE: Adjusts the resonance, ie the damping time of the case.
Beyond a certain level the Cassa go into permanent oscillation.
The level at which the oscillation begins varies with frequency.

DISTORSION: Adjusts the level of signal distortion of Cassa.

TRIG MIX : The rhythm played by each Cassa is the sum of the rhythms generated by the two dividers that are located under the Cassa.
For example, the Cassa 1 plays the rhythms of DIVI1 if trig mix pot. is all to the left, of DIVI2 if all to the right or a mix in between.

CLK DIVIDER : These set the clock divisor, ie how many clock pulses (white LED)it takes to get a shot of cash (colored LEDs).
If the potentiometer all the way left, to each pulse of the white LED will have a shot (divisor 1), slowly moving forward we will have dividers more and more high (shots more and more slow).
The max divider is about 64 (potentiometer fully right).

TEMPO: In internal clock mode adjusts the speed of the basic clock, and then all of the rhythms.
All on the left, minimum speed, maximum speed all right.
When you are on the external clock the tempo pot. acts as a divider (clock prescaler) in the same way of the clock divider, in this case we will have the maximum speed with the tempo potentiometer all at the left dividing by 1, this is useful for divide fast clock like Midi or Synch 24 for slow clock like Korg volca series keep the divider to 1, tempo pot to 0.

OUT: Multicassa have an internal mixer, the mixed channel is sent to the mix out connector, there is also individual out of the tree channel, when use individual out keep the mix out volume pot to 0.

TRIG OUT: The trig mix 2 and 3 is sent to trig out connectors,
5 Volt positive trig out.

Power Input: Power also non-stabilized 12 Volts DC 200 Ma with + central tip,
Tip diameter 2mm.( a standard\universal 12V 500 Ma power supply will work anyway)
There is a protection diode for reverse polarity on power in.
Multicassa use an internal 10V voltage regulator, this means power in can be 12V or more,14v,15v,16v,18v till 26v max with more than 30V voltage regulator will burn.
The power supply is not included, before you buy a new one, try to recycle a power supply you have at home from an old hd or other device, it's safe Multicassa did not burn !


1  2  3  4 




Design : Tonylight & Peppo Lasagna
Grafic  :  Rugge

martedì 16 ottobre 2018

The Arpopone

The Arpopone AKA HARP'O'PHONE is a full analog no microprocessor, melody & bass line generator with a chord  and  rhythmic section, available in desktop and euro rack format.
It's based on analog ramp divider, similar to those used for the Multicassa which are inspired to  
Oskar Sala's  Mixtur Trautonium, an early electronic musical instrument.
Each divider generates a voltage ramp starting from a master clock (internal or external) 
a potentiometer is used to set the number of steps and thus the division ratio with a minimum of 1.
There are ten of such divider in the different sections of the instrument:

- 2 for the rhythmic section (trigger pulses 1 and 2)
- 2 for the scale generator, these have a ramp output that forms the melody line
- 6 for the audio dividers, the 2 prescalers are chained with 4 note dividers, one for bass    and 3 for chords

A further divider comes into play if external clock is selected, in this case the BPM control acts as a clock divider making possible the synchronization with other instruments (at maximum speed divider=1)

NEW Alluminium BOX



TEMPO : Set the speed of master clock or the external clock divider (RED led)

EXT-INT: select internal clock (set by BPM) or external clock (via the EXT CLOCK IN) the EXT CLOCK OUT pulses are synchronous with the RED led flashes.
The Apopone accepts any type of clock pulse or square wave of 3/12 volts amplitude, with any polarity including the Midi clock (with custom cable) as long as in the midi bit line is present only midi clock message and no other messages like, notes, control changes, sysex, etc.
When in external clock, tempo pot. works as clock divider for the incoming clock in pulse, this is useful for divide fast clock like Midi or Synch 24 for slow clock like Korg volca series keep the divider to 1, tempo pot to max.


TRIG1 TRIG2 : set how many clock pulses are needed to flash the GREEN and YELLOW led

DIVIDERS : the two trigger output are the rhythmic section of the instrument and are used for playing notes and advance notes of the scale generators the division ratio is 1 to around 40

TRIG MIX : selects a single trigger (1 or 2) or both (1+2) to advance the scales the output of TRIG MIX is also fed to the TRIGGER OUT

SCALE #STEP : Sets the number of steps for the two scale generators that, added together by the SCALE MIXER will play the melody on the VCO.


The pulses selected with TRIG MIX are sent to two scale generators, each scale generator outputs a voltage that increases in steps.
The brightness of the two led's (WHITE and BLUE) are proportional to the output voltage giving an indication of the current position in the scale.
The  number of steps is set by the two #STEP controls from a minimum of 1 to around 40.


In the mixer section the two scale are summed together to obtain a more complex pattern, the amount of each scale can be set by two controls and can be positive (ascending scale) or negative (descending scale).

In center position the amount is 0 (steady note) an OFFSET control set the minimum voltage and hence the lowest note that can be played.
Be aware that these are NOT tempered scales, all micro intervals are possible
fine tuning of the melody being played is done with these three scale mixer controls.


The notes are played by the vco, the VCO PITCH transposes the melody maintaining the same interval between notes, as set through the SCALE MIXER.


The note generated by the VCO is fed to a chain of dividers to obtain 4 sub harmonics of the original note, one of these is the bass section with its own filter and envelope, the other three form the chord section with their envelope.

Each divider is similar to the trigger dividers with the difference that it acts on notes and not on rhythms generating a subharmonic sequence: 
for example if the note produced by the VCO is C4 the output will be:  
(rotating from left to right) C4,C3,F2,C2,Ab1,F1,D1(not really),C1,Bb0...
Two prescalers are used, each of them is chained with two dividers that further divide the note, the same way many types of chords can be generated by setting the proper dividers each single divider can be played separately by means of  the four buttons in the MANUAL PLAY section one for the bass the other three for each note that form the chord (CH1,CH2,CH3)


The two envelope section are identical, both have a selector for different trigger sources :

-TRIG1 & TRIG2 the envelope starts at the flash of the GREEN LED (bass) or YELLOW LED (chord)
-SB1 & SB2 the envelope starts at the first step of  SCALE1 (bass) or SCALE2 (chord)

-White & Blue  the envelope follows the intensity of the WHITE LED (bass) or the BLUE LED (chord) except for this setting the envelope length is set by the two controls BASS ENV and CHORD ENV an EXT CV input allows to provide an external envelope to drive the VCA.


The bass channel is passed through a resonant low pass filter with CUTOFF and RESONANCE control.


Finally the two channels BASS and CHORD are mixed together, the output level is set by the BASS LEV and CHORD LEV controls.
Two outputs jacks are present: the mono OUT jack on the back panel and the STEREO jack on the front panel useful for listening with phones and for separate channel out or with headphones.


Power also non-stabilized 12 Volts DC 200 ma with + central tip,
Tip diameter 2mm( a standard\universal 12V 500 Ma power supply will work anyway)
There are two power inputs, one can be used for power link another device with custom cable, not included.
There is a protection diode for reverse polarity on power in.
Arpopone use an internal 10V voltage regulator, this means power in can be 12V or more 14v,15v,16v,18v till 26v max with more than 30V voltage regulator will burn.
The power supply is not included, before you buy a new one, try to recycle a power supply you have at home, from an old hd or other device, it's safe Arpopone did not burn.


A   1  2  3


Connect power (12 V.) and an amplifier or headphones.

Select internal clock (EXT-INT switch) and BPM to your favorite rate (RED flashes)

Start with all the controls to mid position.

Move TRIG1 and TRIG2 to the left position (counterclockwise) : GREEN and YELLOW will flash at the same rate as RED.

Select TRIG1 and TRIG2  on ENVELOPE SELECTOR switches (down position)
you'll hear two distinct sound (left and right if you are stereo)  at the time GREEN and YELLOW flash.

Slowly raise TRIG1 or TRIG2: the sound and flashes will slow down always in sync with RED flashes.

Let's work on sound : adjust BASS ENV, BASS LEV, CUTOFF and RESONANCE for nicest bass the chord section may need to adjust CH1 CH2 CH3 (start with all at left position) these control along with PRESCALER allow to choose the notes the chord is made of the MANUAL PLAY buttons allow to listen the separate notes, you can stop the clock (EXT position) and try different combination of prescaler and note divider, adjust VCO PITCH to transpose your chords.

... if you care about harmony (musician mode ON)

You will notice that all PRESCALER and note dividers play the highest note when in left position (divider=1) raising slowly one of these controls will lead to a subharmonic sequence (frequency divided by 2,3,4,ecc)

If the first note is for example C4 The sequence will be : C4 C3 F2 C2 Ab1 F1 ....
it's easy to get a minor chord setting the three chord dividers to Ab1 C2 F2 you'll get a F minor and  you can transpose it using VCO PITCH.
Major chords are more tricky: set PRESCALER 1 to F2 and PRESCALER 2 to C2, transpose 2 octaves up CH1, will generate a sequence starting from F4 F3 Bb2 F2 Db2 Bb1 ... (the original sequence transposed one fourth up), CH2 and CH3 will play the original sequence C4 C3 F2 C2 Ab1 F1 ...

Now pick a Ab1 Db2 F and you have a major Db chord you can transpose as always with VCO PITCH more other types of chord can be obtained this way (musician mode OFF)

.... now the scale generators

Move one of the SCALE MIXER control: you hear a scale (=sequence of notes) ascending (toward +) or descending (toward -), adjust the number of step with the corresponding SCALE #STEP controls the two scale generator can be mixed at every ratio and an OFFSET control allows to tune the melody, you can still transpose it using VCO PITCH.

Regarding VCO PITCH and OFFSET: it may seem they do the same thing, but it's incorrect VCO PITCH multiplies all frequencies by a fixed ratio and thus transposes a melody leaving  intervals unchanged OFFSET adds a fixed value to all frequencies and so the melody sounds different from the original.

Design : Tonylight & Peppo Lasagna
Grafic  : Agnese Guido