sabato 19 settembre 2009

leploop pre production prototype

leploop pre production box and panel
hand made wooden box and laser print alluminium panel

giovedì 30 luglio 2009

12 db low pass filter

This is a simple low pass filter, using 2 standard npn transistor.
This filter can works also at 5 volt and it's good for microporecessor based project.
The filter can self oscillate and it's a proget I've made with Peppo at L.E.P. laboratory in Milano.
Let me know if you made some modification.

mercoledì 15 aprile 2009


Sabato 18 Aprile
ore 15.00 - 18.00
C.S.O.A. Cox18

Via Conchetta 18 – Milano

old web page

This wend we are going to present to the pubblic the activity of L.E.P.

Laboratorio Elettronico Popolare = L.E.P.

Popular Electronics Laboratory = P.E.L.

The workshop was held by the Popular Electronics Laboratory (PEL), consisting dall'eclettico artist milanese Tonylight and analog dall'alchimista Peppo Lasagna, with the participation of Dorkbot Milano.
The purpose of the laboratory is to design and build electronic devices for audio / video interfaces to develop open source to create sounds and images, video, lights.

For this event, L.E.P. presents his latest projects: "Leploop, a small analog synth to produce music and" Videomoog ", a synth to produce video images by following the synthesis of music.

giovedì 8 gennaio 2009


LepLoop It's a small synth protype I'm developping with my friend Peppo.
The idea was to have a compact live analog instrument.
The circuit it's an original design.
The synth can produce 3/4 sound at the same time
noise hh/snare

synth scructure

osc1 wave squ. and tri.
osc2 wave saw.
osc1 can modulate osc2
2 AD envelope
2 vca
1 lpf diode ladder filter with cutoff and res. cv control
kick drum generator + distortion/overdrive
noise generator
1 lfo
1 s/h
1 mixer
4 gate sequencer kick / S&H / env1 / env2
1 16 step capacitor sequencer, the S/H sample the lfo for imput the note in the seq.
Different menu for clock div., step, groove, record, save and recall track.
midi in
cv in\out